It's been some time since my last post on football. And we're talking about european soccer here.

So I finally managed to write some functions which allow me to extract player stats from The site tracks lots of stats in the world of soccer. For each player, there is information about the dominant foot, height, age, the estimated market value of the player and a load more.

I extracted stats for all registered players from the five major national championships in Europe. Namely, the Bundesliga (Germany), Ligue 1 (France), Premier League (UK), Primera División (Spain) and the Serie A (Italy). Now I have information for 2628 players concerning position, dominant foot, age, height and estimated market value.

The information is in a dataframe called "eu.players".

As long as I can't find the time to post my newest adventuRes, why don't you check out the great collection of other R-blogs on the web: 

Have fun!

Just as a quick reply to a friend of mine who suggested testing the swearing capabilities of The Dude:

Click to enlarge.

As you can see, "The Big Lebowski" (2.79 % swear words) takes the Tarantino threshold (0.98 %) easily, but it's no match against "Reservoir Dogs" (3.28 %). Indeed, it's just below "Pulp Fiction" (2.83 %).

Fortunately, there is a page called, where you can get subtitle (.SRT) files for virtually every movie. Now let's see what we can do with these. SRT files are in plain text format (human readable) and can thus be read quite easily with R.

First thing we need is a reading function for an SRT file. This function is quite long and boring. I won't talk you through it. Here it is.
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