Which function rbinds dataframes together fastest?

First competitor: classic rbind in a for loop over a list of dataframes

Second competitor: do.call("rbind", <list of dataframes>)

Third competitor: rbind.fill(<list of dataframes>) from the plyr package

The job:

- rbinding a list of dataframes with 4 columns each, one column is the splitting factor, the other 3 hold normally distributed random data

- the number of rows of the original dataframe is varied between 20,000; 50,000; 100,000; 200,000; 300,000; 400,000; 500,000 and 600,000 rows

- the number of levels for the splitting factor (hence the number of list elements after splitting) is varied between 6, 12 and 24 - the total number of rows for the original dataframe is held constant

The machine:

- A blazing fast late 2008 MacBo
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