No surprises: More people tweet more. Visualizing twitter counts during election day.
As if the R world needed another example of Twitter visualizations, right? Well, here we go anyway.
At the beginning of 2013, Pablo Barberá released the first version of his R package 'streamR' (CRAN link). With this package, you can tap into the streaming capabilities of the Twitter API. I did so for 10 consecutive days. Luckily, one of those days was September, 22nd - the day of the 'Bundestagswahl' (parliamentary elections) in Germany.
I've decided to put the code at the end of this post. If you want to try things out, you can find the code by scrolling to the bottom. Please note, that you may not be able to replicate all of this because you do not have the Twitter stream data available.
So, let's first visualize all tweets between September, 17th and September 27th on a map.
At the beginning of 2013, Pablo Barberá released the first version of his R package 'streamR' (CRAN link). With this package, you can tap into the streaming capabilities of the Twitter API. I did so for 10 consecutive days. Luckily, one of those days was September, 22nd - the day of the 'Bundestagswahl' (parliamentary elections) in Germany.
I've decided to put the code at the end of this post. If you want to try things out, you can find the code by scrolling to the bottom. Please note, that you may not be able to replicate all of this because you do not have the Twitter stream data available.
So, let's first visualize all tweets between September, 17th and September 27th on a map.