I work with R on both Mac OS and Windows. On Windows, you get the option to copy the path of a file or folder by holding Shift while right-clicking on the file or folder. As useful as this feature is, it copies paths to your clipboard in Windows format, e.g. "C:\Users\someone\Documents\R\scripts\someproject\preparations.R"

That is not very nice to use in R scripts because you would have to replace every single backslash by a slash or a double backslash to use it. In this (also in other ways) very useful post, I found a nice solution for this.

By putting a function definition into your startup file (e.g., .Rprofile), you can simply put


into the R console, paste your path and hit Return twice. The "de-windowsified" path is then in your clipboard.

I've got a NetAtmo weather station. One can download the measurements from its web interface as a CSV file. I wanted to give time series analysis with the extraction of seasonal components ('decomposition') a try, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to use the temperature measurements of my weather station. The data is available.
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