Send tweets from R: A very short walkthrough
There are a few reasons why you might want to send tweets from R. You might want to write a Twitter bot or - as in my case - you want to send yourself a tweet when a very long computation finishes.
So, here I will run you through all the steps you have to take using
- Twitter's API and
- the twitteR package written by Jeff Gentry
The setup to send myself tweets is the following: I have my main twitter account and an additional account I am only using to tweet from R. I am following the additional account with my main account. On my phone's Twitter app, my main account is logged in and notifications are activated only for the additional account. So, whenever I tweet something with the additional account, the new tweet pops up on my phone.
Let's get started.
So, here I will run you through all the steps you have to take using
- Twitter's API and
- the twitteR package written by Jeff Gentry
The setup to send myself tweets is the following: I have my main twitter account and an additional account I am only using to tweet from R. I am following the additional account with my main account. On my phone's Twitter app, my main account is logged in and notifications are activated only for the additional account. So, whenever I tweet something with the additional account, the new tweet pops up on my phone.
Let's get started.